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Graduate Employment Survey 2024 (For 2023)

··276 words·2 mins

Introduction #

The Graduate Employment Survey (GES) is a survey conducted by the Ministry of Education (MOE) to collect information on the employment outcomes of graduates from local autonomous universities (AUs). The survey is conducted annually and the results are published in the form of a report. The GES provides valuable information on the employment outcomes of graduates, including their employment rates, starting salaries, and job roles. This information is useful for prospective students, parents, and educators who are interested in understanding the employment prospects of graduates from different courses and universities.

In this article, we will analyze the GES 2024 report and explore the employment outcomes of graduates from the National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore Management University (SMU), and Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS). We will examine the overall employment rates, starting salaries, and job roles of graduates from different courses and universities, and identify any trends or insights that emerge from the data.

Here are the subsections of the blog post:

  1. Overall Statistics
  2. NUS Statistics
  3. NTU Statistics
  4. SMU Statistics
  5. SUSS Statistics

References #

Overall GES Across all courses #

  1. GES 2019
  2. GES 2020
  3. GES 2021
  4. GES 2022
  5. GES 2023


  1. GES NUS 2019
  2. GES NUS 2020
  3. GES NUS 2021
  4. GES NUS 2022
  5. GES NUS 2023


  1. GES NTU 2018
  2. GES NTU 2019
  3. GES NTU 2020
  4. GES NTU 2021
  5. GES NTU 2022
  6. GES NTU 2023


  1. GES SMU 2019
  2. GES SMU 2020
  3. GES SMU 2021
  4. GES SMU 2022
  5. GES SMU 2023


  1. GES SUSS 2019
  2. GES SUSS 2020
  3. GES SUSS 2021
  4. GES SUSS 2022
  5. GES SUSS 2023

Google Sheets of all the data #

  1. GES 2008-2023 Data